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Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

Subject, Verb, Complement & Modifier

Pola umum kalimat terdiri dari Subject (Subyek) Verb (predikat), Complement (objek) dan Modifier (Keterangan). Pembahasan awal memang mudah, karena hampir sama denga aturan bahasa Indonesia. Contoh kalimat :
George/ is cooking/ dinner /tonight
(subject)/ (verb phrase)/ (complement)/ (modifier of time)
We /eat/ lunch /in this restaurant /today
(subject)/ (verb phrase)/ (complement)/ (modifier of place)(modifier of time)

Setiap kalimat bahasa Inggris pasti mempunyai subyek dan predikat (verb), subyek adalah pelaku. Subyek bisa berupa single noun (kata benda tunggal), 
contoh : Coffeeis delicious. Subyek bias juga berupa noun phrase (frase kata benda), contohnya The bookis on the table.
Verb mengikuti subyek dalam kalimat deklaratif, secara umum menunjukkan aksi dari kalimat. 
Contoh : John drives too fast . Verb bisa juga sebuah frase yang terdiri dari satu atau lebih auxiliary/ kata bantu. Contoh, John is going to
Miami tomorrow. kata “is” adalah auxiliary.
Peraturannya mirip dengan subyek, dapat berupa noun atau noun phrase. Secara umum mengikuti verb. Complement menjawab pertanyaan what?
dan whom?. 
Contoh John bought a cake yesterday (what did John buy?). Contoh 2, She saw Johnat the movies last night (whom did she see at the movies?)
Modifier menjelaskan tentang waktu, tempat atau cara dari sebuah kerja. Sangat sering berupa frase ber-preposisi,
contoh : in the morning, at the university, on the table. Modifier dapat juga berupa adverb (kata keterangan) atau adverbial phrase, contoh last night, next year, yesterday. Modifier menjawab pertanyaan when? where? atau how?

sumber : wikipedia.com


Definition :

A pronoun is used in place of a noun or nouns. Common pronouns include he, her, him, I, it, me, she, them, they, us, and we.Here are some examples:
INSTEAD OF: Adi is a good Bikers.
he is a good athlete. (The pronoun he replaces Adi.)
INSTEAD OF: The beans and tomatoes are fresh-picked.
They are fresh-picked. (The pronoun they replaces the nut and carrot.)

Often a pronoun takes the place of a particular noun. This noun is known as the antecedent. A pronoun "refers to," or directs your thoughts toward, its antecedent.
Let's call adi and ask him to join the team. (Him  is a pronoun; adi is its antecedent.)
To find a pronoun's antecedent, ask yourself what that pronoun refers to. What does him refer to in the sentence above—that is, who is the him? The him in the sentence is Adi; therefore, Adi is the antecedent.

·           Subjective Pronouns
A subjective pronoun acts as the subject of a sentence—it performs the action of the verb. The subjective pronouns are he, I, it, she, they, we, and you.
He spends ages looking out the door.
After lunch, she and I went to the planetarium.

·           Objective Pronouns
An objective pronoun acts as the object of a sentence—it receives the action of the verb. The objective pronouns are her, him, it, me, them, us, and you.
Cousin Eldred gave me a trombone.
Take a picture of him, not us!

·           Possessive Pronouns
A possessive pronoun tells you who owns something. The possessive pronouns are hers, his, its, mine, ours, theirs, and yours.
The black basket is mine.
Yours is on the office table.

·           Demonstrative Pronouns
A demonstrative pronoun points out a noun. The demonstrative pronouns are that, these, this, and those.
That is a good idea.
These are hilarious animation.
A demonstrative pronoun may look like a demonstrative adjective, but it is used differently in a sentence: it acts as a pronoun, taking the place of a noun.

·           Interrogative Pronouns
An interrogative pronoun is used in a question. It helps to ask about something. The interrogative pronouns are what, which, who, whom, and compound words ending in "ever," such as whatever, whichever, whoever, and whomever.
What on earth is that?
Who ate the last Fig Newton?
An interrogative pronoun may look like an interrogative adjective, but it is used differently in a sentence: it acts as a pronoun, taking the place of a noun.

·           Indefinite Pronouns
An indefinite pronoun refers to an indefinite, or general, person or thing. Indefinite pronouns include all, any, both, each, everyone, few, many, neither, none, nothing, several, some, and somebody.
Something smells good.
Many like salsa with their chips.
An indefinite pronoun may look like an indefinite adjective, but it is used differently in a sentence: it acts as a pronoun, taking the place of a noun.

·           Relative Pronouns
A relative pronoun introduces a clause, or part of a sentence, that describes a noun. The relative pronouns are that, which, who,and whom.
You should bring the book that you love most.
That introduces "you love most," which describes the book.
Hector is a photographer who does great work.
Who introduces "does great work," which describes Hector.

·           Reflexive Pronouns
A reflexive pronoun refers back to the subject of a sentence. The reflexive pronouns are herself, himself, itself, myself, ourselves, themselves, and yourselves. Each of these words can also act as an intensive pronoun (see below).
I learned a lot about myself at summer camp. (Myself refers back to I.)
They should divide the berries among themselves. (Themselves refers back to they.)

·           Intensive Pronouns
An intensive pronoun emphasizes its antecedent (the noun that comes before it). The intensive pronouns are herself, himself, itself, myself, ourselves, themselves, and yourselves. Each of these words can also act as a reflective pronoun (see above).
myself don't like eggs.
The queen herself visited our class.

Reference : http://www.factmonster.com/ipka/A0885483.html